Our weekly programming is meticulously crafted  to cultivate growth and improvement in all our athletes. Our knowledge and experience in the world of CrossFit make for some of the most challenging and humbling programming around, while still providing our coaches opportunities to help newer athletes scale movements and workouts accordingly. You can expect a lot of variation during these hour long classes — anything from mobility work, to olympic weightlifting training, to metabolic conditioning. Book a class or check out our schedule!

(To drop in to a CrossFit class we require previous experience. For those interested in just getting started, see our on ramp program for more details).

Sample Programming

CrossFit: 60 minutes


A | Deadlift
3×5 ascending
3×3 @ same weight

B | AMRAP 20:
5 Deadlifts (185/125) (135/95)
5 Toes to bar
5 Deadlifts
– 200m run after each round


A | Back squat
3×5 ascending
3×3 @ same weight

B | Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
200-m run
7 Thrusters (115/85) (75/55)
5 Chest-to-bar pull-ups


A | 3 Rounds for Time:
30/24 Cal Row
50 Abmat Sit-ups
15 Burpees
7 Dumbbell Hang Snatch Left
7 Dumbbell Hang Snatch Right
– Rest 3 minutes between rounds

Dumbbell: (70/50) (50/35)


A | Squat Clean
8 Sets on the 1:30
Build to a Heavy 2 Rep

B| AMRAP 14:
100m Run
1-2-3… Squat Clean (155/105) (115/85)*
20 Double Unders

*add 1 squat clean every round


A | AMRAP 20:
10 pull-ups
15 double dumbbell deadlift
10 single-leg squats
15 double dumbbell floor press
1200/1000-m bike

Dumbbells: (50/35)’s (35/20)’s


(Teams of 2)

A | For Time:
50 pullups
100 burpees
150 kettlebell swings
200 goblet squats
– every 3:00: 200m partner run
Kettlebell: (53/35) (35/26)
-reps are shared,
split reps however